
Taylor Swift Talks Selena Gomez in Harper's Bazaar

A more mature-looking Taylor Swift graces the December/January cover of Harper's Bazaar, where the 22-year-old rocks a number of pantsuits rather than her usual girlish dresses for the high-fashion magazine, and discusses her close friendships with fellow superstars Emma Stone and Selena Gomez.

"We never talk about fashion, about career, about our ambitions or our projects," she says of her besties. "We just talk about relationships, feelings, love, and boys."

And perhaps her friendship is needed more than ever these days, especially when it comes to Selena -- according to People, Selena recently broke up with boyfriend Justin Bieber.

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Speaking of superstar relationships, Taylor also expresses her need for an equally strong partner.

"It needs to be equal. If I feel too much like I'm wearing the pants, I start to feel uncomfortable and then we break up," she says. "It's wonderful to hand over the reins to your boyfriend when you control so much of these big, high-pressure decisions, you know? That is a huge defining factor in who you choose to be with."

But clearly, Taylor wears the pants when it comes to managing her astonishingly successful career.

"When I'm in management meetings when we're deciding my future, those decisions are left up to me," she stresses. "I'm the one who has to go out and fulfill all these obligations, so I should be able to choose which ones I do or not. That's the part of my life where I feel most in control.

Related: Taylor Swift's Relationship Rules

Harper's Bazaar's December/January issue hits newsstands November 27.

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